Dead Serious (2022)
An art exhibit about the crucial issues facing the planet and preserving the environment.
Viewpoint Gallery, Saint Paul, MN
Curated by Suyao Tian

“Dead Serious” explores the planet’s crucial issues and the urgent need to preserve and protect our environment. Through a compelling visual narrative, Fitch confronts the viewer with the stark reality of humanity’s destructive actions and their devastating consequences.

Using symbolism, and striking imagery, Fitch seeks to captivate and disturb, provoking a profound emotional response from the audience. Each artwork within the exhibit serves as a solemn reminder of the environmental crises we face, from pollution and deforestation to climate change and the loss of biodiversity.

“Dead Serious” invites viewers to contemplate the delicate balance between nature’s resilience and humanity’s exploitation. The pieces convey a sense of urgency, urging individuals to question their choices, challenge consumerist culture, and embrace their collective responsibility to protect and heal the planet.

The art in “Dead Serious” presents a poignant reflection on the consequences of our actions and calls for immediate action to mitigate the environmental decline. Fitch’s work sparks a dialogue, encouraging viewers to confront uncomfortable truths and engage in a global effort to preserve what remains of our precious Earth.

As viewers navigate the somber landscapes of “Dead Serious: A Eulogy for Mother Earth,” they are confronted with the loss and destruction caused by human activities. Fitch’s art beckons them to rise from apathy and become change agents, fostering a deep empathy and responsibility towards the environment.

Through this exhibit, Fitch hopes to inspire individuals, communities, and nations to unite for a common purpose—to protect and restore our planet. “Dead Serious” is a call to action, urging viewers to reflect, act, and become stewards of the Earth, ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.

In this time of reckoning, Fitch’s art invites us all to recognize the gravity of our challenges and find solace in the flicker of hope within us. “Dead Serious” seeks to ignite a collective movement toward a world where humanity and the environment coexist in harmony, where the resilience of our planet is celebrated, and its survival is assured.

RED LIST, 2022, Screen Print, 24 x 36 in. (From the series “Dead Serious”)

(Left image) GREENHOUSE GASES, 2022, Screen Print, 24 x 36 in. (Right Image) TO HOT TO WORK OUTSIDE, 2022, Screen Print, 24 x 36 in. (All from the series “Dead Serious”)

(Left image) HOT SUMMER, 2022, Screen Print, 24 x 36 in. (Right Image) THERE IS NO PLANET B, 2022, Screen Print, 24 x 36 in. (All from the series “Dead Serious”)

(Left image) DISRUPTING WEATHER PATTERNS, 2022, Screen Print, 24 x 36 inches (Right image) CLIMATE CHANGE, 2022, Screen Print, 24 x 36 in. (All from the series “Dead Serious”)