After Dark (2017)
An art exhibit about illuminating Intensity, and provoking inquiry.
Intermedia Arts, Minneapolis, MN
Curated by Ana Laura Juarez

“After Dark,” explores intense, real-life stories from Mexican news headlines. Through symbolic imagery and a bold graphic aesthetic, Fitch delves into the depths of these narratives, challenging viewers to engage with the darkness while offering an approachable entry point for understanding.

In “After Dark,” Fitch employs a unique artistic approach combining simplicity and depth. The artwork “Five Heads” is a poignant example, drawing inspiration from the true story of a Mexican drug cartel leaving five decapitated heads outside an elementary school in Acapulco. Rather than portraying the explicit and gory details of such an event, Fitch opts for simplified images digestible by the public while capturing their attention and sparking curiosity to delve deeper.

Fitch’s art invites viewers to contemplate these intense stories’ underlying themes and implications. Through symbolic imagery, he transcends the boundaries of explicit representation, allowing the viewers’ imagination and interpretation to play an active role in engaging with the narrative.

“After Dark” is a call to action, urging viewers to confront the harsh realities that often make headlines. Fitch’s art seeks to foster empathy, awareness, and a desire to explore further, challenging the viewer to delve beyond the surface and confront the complexities of these events.

In this exhibit, Fitch aims to bridge the gap between the immediacy of news headlines and a deeper understanding of the underlying social issues. His colorful aesthetic and symbolic approach act as a bridge, offering a means to assimilate and digest the intense stories while encouraging viewers to question and probe further.

Through “After Dark,” Fitch invites viewers to confront the darkness of real-life events while acknowledging the potential for collective understanding and action. His art catalyzes dialogue, fostering empathy and promoting a deeper engagement with the complexities of our world.

May “After Dark” inspire viewers to embrace the power of curiosity and critical inquiry, moving beyond the surface to engage with the profound social issues that shape our society. Let us confront the darkness together, seeking empathy, awareness, and the potential for positive change.

(Left image) FERTIL, 2017, Mixed media on canvas, 48 x 36 in. (Right image) FIVE HEADS, 2017, Mixed media on canvas, 48 x 36 in. (All from the series “After Dark”)

(Left image) LOS QUERMOS VIVOS, 2017, Mixed media on canvas, 48 x 36 in. (Right image) SHADOWS OF THE FORGOTTEN, 2017, Mixed media on canvas, 48 x 36 in. (All from the series “After Dark”)

(Left image) VANISHING LIVES, 2017, Mixed media on canvas, 48 x 36 in. (Right image) GROWING PEACE, 2017, Mixed media on canvas, 48 x 36 in. (All from the series “After Dark”)